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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Special Peanut Butter Cupcakes

I baked and brought to work and of course my husband's office mates got some too, Peanut butter cupcakes. Wonderful recipe! As usual when my son sees me cooking he will show a little enthusiasm for a little bit. He wants to help and of course I let him. So I give him a very important responsibility to unwrap the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and stuck them in the batter as I pour it on the muffin tin. He did good, no mess, all perfect. Put them in the oven, baked. He wanted to have them for breakfast but he can't take it to school. They have the "NO NUTS" policy at school. So I told him he can have them as his dessert after dinner that day. Took some to work and my husband got his part.

I was and still am on a diet but this craving for sweets is just way too strong. I made those goodies and I can't even eat them...heck I cheated. Not so proud of myself, but I need to know! What do I have to do?

Went to lunch with dear husband, and asked him if anybody say anything about the cupcakes. He said they like them, they said it's good. Even make the temptation to try one of them escalated. Back to my office, made a special trip to the kitchen. And I grabbed one. Feel really bad that I knew that I am about to cheat and the curiosity was equally intense. As my mouth opened and my teeth landed on the cupcakes, I felt something weird, paper! Took them out. Oh em gee..the paper cups from the Reese's peanut butter in the cupcake. So I guess my little assistant unwrapped the wrapper but not the paper cups.

Immediately I emailed my husband and my office mates, apologizing for those who ate the cupcakes. They are all laughed and said "but it's still very good".

On the way home after we picked up my Lil assistant, I told him what happened with the cupcakes. I said apparently we forgot to took that paper cups off from the peanut butter cups. My 4 years old assistant replied: Mom, I asked you last night like 5 times, what are we going to do with the paper and you did not answer me!

My husband could not stop laughing! I was so embarrassed..all along it's my error. Lesson to learn, better start listening to my assistant lol.

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